Republicans must stop

catering to extremists

Regarding “Democrats fueled false perceptions” (Readers write, Opinion, Dec. 3), the Democrats didn’t tell me that the GOP is anti-science, anti-gay, anti-women and anti-change. I realized it for myself 12 years ago, and left the Republican Party.

Creationists and climate change-deniers are given prominent positions in GOP leadership. The GOP opposes contraceptive coverage in Obamacare. They promote the same tired “tax cuts for everyone” as the cure for whatever ails the economy.

Democrats also believe in the Constitution, and in freedom of religion. Constitutionally, it is indefensible to deny rights to gay Americans that the rest of us enjoy. Freedom of religion also entails freedom from religion.

Catering to extremists on the fringes of either party drags that party further from mainstream America. The Democrats learned their lesson a generation ago. It’s time for the GOP to do the same.



Program is reward

for lifetime of work

Ross Douthat favors turning Social Security into a “normal safety net program,” rather than continuing to consider it a benefit earned through years of paying a Social Security tax (“Payroll tax burdens our stagnating economy,” Opinion, Dec. 1).

After paying Social Security taxes for 45 years, I feel that my Social Security benefit is earned, and not a gift from the government. Turning Social Security into just another welfare program seems consistent with a strategy of turning everyone into a ward of the state. In this vision of the future, your retirement income is based on what government officials feel you need, rather than the work you have done.



Boorish Falcons fans

appall former Atlantan

I moved to Atlanta in 1990 to attend Georgia Tech, and fell in love with the city. The culture was vibrant, and the people were friendly. I stayed for 18 years, before my work took me to New Orleans. I was thrilled recently when a good friend of mine said she was going to the Saints vs. Falcons game. I gave her lists of places to go, and all sorts of cool things to do while she was there.

Little did I know what my former home’s residents had in store for her. Walking to the game, she had Falcons fans in her face, and people yelling obscenities. At the game, she and her companion were cursed at and told to sit down and shut up any time they cheered.

I am shocked and saddened to see my old home represent itself this way — especially over a game which should bring both cities together. Let’s let bygones be bygones. I promise all of you Falcons fans that the next time you come to New Orleans, none of us Saints fans will treat you nearly as badly as you treated our fans. You’re welcome to stop by for some pre-game gumbo.