Parents must be responsible adults
Could our society ever accept having to “qualify” for parenthood? The vast inequalities that exist in America today are primarily the result of indiscriminate impregnation. Bringing a new life into the world should demand a responsible and capable intent to nurture emotionally and financially. Society should insist that every baby be afforded the opportunity to be born into a stable and nurturing environment. This would not eliminate all inequities, but would surely be a step toward a healthier and more stable environment for all. Perhaps long-term birth control for males and females could be a start.
Planned Parenthood is all about profits
Legalized abortion was never about a women’s right to choose. It was about making it legal for organizations like Planned Parenthood to exploit women for financial gain. Planned Parenthood does not see pregnant women as expectant mothers. They see dollar signs. The aborted child is a commodity. Planned Parenthood is not about what the name implies. Parenthood planning is not on the agenda. Instead of promoting motherhood, they turn women against their unborn child — business first, the unborn child last. What is morally profitable for the woman means a financial loss for Planned Parenthood. Women deserve better.
Praise, don’t malign whistleblowers
The article, “Health Provider Settles Lawsuit” (News, Aug. 4), states Sheila McCray benefited “from the controversial law known as Obamacare.” In fact, the issue at hand was the fraud she and Yvette Odumoso exposed on behalf of our tax dollars. PSA Healthcare attempted to hide government overpayment and benefit from improper billing these heroes had the scruples to report – and not back down from doing the right thing.
Did these ladies “benefit?” They were fired for being honest, for heaven’s sake, and then used the legally sound process, complaining they had been wrongfully terminated for speaking up about fraud. The language used in this article implies these women unethically or improperly benefitted from Obamacare due to its “controversial” scope. The fact the ACA legislation includes whistleblower provisions to protect our tax dollars from such fraud is hardly cause to imply these women benefited inappropriately. We should be grateful our tax dollars are being protected. Ms. McCray and Ms. Odumoso acted in an upright and noble fashion.