America should transcend tribalistic tendencies

Pat Buchanan’s column, “Peoples, nations fighting commands of democracy” (Opinion, Aug. 3) misses an opportunity to speak with clarity about one of today’s major issues: tribalism. Tribalism is as old as the human race. Since we declared our independence in 1776, America has defined itself by an ideal – a proposition – that all people are created equal. We have struggled since then to move to our unrealized ideal of equality. Lincoln reminded us of our anti-tribalistic idealism: “Conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” No doubt we have tried tribalistically to impose our ideal on the world. Think Woodrow Wilson and George W Bush. Buchanan muddies the waters by drifting off into comments on culture wars. America is challenged as perhaps never before to exemplify its transcendence of tribalism. If we are exceptional, now is the time for demonstration.


Ga.’s electronic voting machines are too-easily hacked

The Department of Homeland Security has voiced its concern about the touchscreen voting machines, like those used in Georgia. The Coalition for Good Governance and other plaintiffs have asked for a preliminary injunction to stop the state from using direct-recording electronic voting units. Secretary of State Brian Kemp, a defendant in the case, has said Georgia’s voting machines are safe but should be phased out after this year’s election. Just how important is this year’s election? For Brian Kemp, this is the election of a lifetime.

Brian Kemp upset Casey Cagle in the governor’s primary after a last-minute endorsement from the President. We have had a release of voters’ data as well as suspected voting machine tampering during a special election for the 6th Congressional district. Brian Kemp is fighting to keep the status quo as if he is fighting for his life. Maybe he is.


Civility, compromise should conquer divisiveness, rancor

Politics today has become raucous and vile. Whatever happened to civility, kindness, helpfulness, politeness, good manners, courtesy, sympathy, consideration and yes, compromise? I read two letters to the editor in the Aug. 1 AJC (“Hatred for Trump seemingly increases” and “Trump’s lack of morals bad for GOP”) that show the huge chasm between each political party and how one may perceive the other. We have also witnessed how this political divide affects families, with some families being torn apart, and for what? Is the goal of government to tear people apart? Not according to the Constitution of the United States. The Preamble to the Constitution says it’s to “insure domestic Tranquility … promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.” Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone read these words and began applying them once again in their lives and their interactions with others?


Legal system, society must examine flaws that proved fatal

The horrible tragedy of the murder of Christian Broder, allegedly by Jayden Myrick (“ ‘Visionary’ failed violent slaying suspect,” News, July 29), should never have happened and was preventable. The public must be protected from people who are on a violent trajectory. If our effort to understand this case stops there, however, or if we settle back into an angry and defensive “tough on crime” stance, we will miss an opportunity to learn. Additional questions need to be asked, such as, Why did Myrick’s time in juvenile detention seemingly turn him into a more violent criminal? and, Why did the judge believe that more time in prison would result in more violent behavior? If we continue to underfund our correctional, mental health and education services, we will continue to pay the price. While we need to keep violent people away from the public and rehabilitation won’t work for everyone, we cannot punish our way to safety.