More than two options in Senate race

The AJC’s failure to include me in your U.S. Senate poll represents the latest abuse of power by the media to the detriment of my campaign.

This is the third time I’ve run for U.S. Senate. Am I crazy? If I am, then all of the people who are knowledgeable about the finances of the U.S. government are crazy as well — and many of them work for the federal government. They all say our system is unsustainable.

By excluding me from your poll, you have shown the AJC’s widely recognized bias in favor of Democrats. Jim Barksdale might be able to beat Johnny Isakson head-to-head, but with me in the race it becomes much more complex.

From dealing with north Georgia newspapers that are managed by a woman who is married to Isakson’s consultant and former chief of staff to refusals of press release companies to issue press releases regarding my unanswered debates challenges, I thought I had seen it all. Not being listed in a three-person race takes the cake. As Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson polled 12 percent, presumably my number is close thereto.


Candidates in need of character

We know most voters overwhelmingly disapprove of Congress, and now many seem to be a little bilious about the choices in the racy Presidential race. Personally, I will never forget reading that Democratic U.S. House Speaker Tip O’Neill visited Ronald Reagan after he had been shot, and they both kneeled and said the 23rd Psalm together. If either of the present candidates had just a little of that kind of character, I would vote for him or her in a heartbeat.