Rid the Gold Dome of metal detectors

My two school-age children recently visited the state Capitol. I asked them if they had to go through a metal detector for entry and they both said, “yes.” So I started thinking – if our legislators and governor continue to pass and push for permissive gun laws including “open carry” laws that allow for gun owners to carry almost anywhere in the state, why do we still have metal detectors in the capitol? I hear the rationale for these laws is the more people that have guns, the safer we will be because people will have them ready for defense at all times. Using this rationale, don’t metal detectors put those performing the “people’s work” at a disadvantage? They are not allowed the same supposed protections the rest of us are in our work places. I think we should demand that they stop making the ultimate sacrifice of their safety and be granted the same peace of mind the rest of us have by having “responsible” gun owners roaming the halls under the Gold Dome. I’m not sure if they have been approached yet, but I would bet the NRA would support this move. Maybe we can start a national movement here.


Don’t provoke white Southerners

My great-grandfather was drafted and killed in the Civil war. My great uncles had their houses burned and property destroyed. The South paid a huge price for secession.That was over 150 years ago, and nothing can change that. It’s now history. I am all for removing the Saint Andrews cross battle flag on state property because I don’t want to offend anyone. However, the NAACP’s advocating to deface or destroy the Stone Mountain carving is patently absurd. Do they realize what that venture would cost? Is the NAACP going to pay for it? Of course not. They would want taxpayers to foot the bill. Is the NAACP aware that the same group that did the carving on Stone Mountain also did the presidential monument, where two of the presidents portrayed there owned slaves? Is this their next target? I resent anyone attempting to punish and unnecessarily provoke white Southerners in a vindictive manner. This is not the best game plan for racial harmony.


Georgia bow hunters maim animals

The death of Cecil the lion serves to highlight the sad plight of wild animals maimed by bow hunters each year that are doomed to a slow and agonizing death. The Minnesota dentist who derives pleasure in killing exotic animals undoubtedly knew that the chance of killing the lion outright with a bow was minimal. Perhaps he was much more concerned about preserving a pristine head that could hang on his office wall along with a photo of himself with the dead animal to show his prowess. Statistics show that approximately 50 percent of wild animals shot with a bow and arrow will be severely wounded and go off to die a slow and painful death. Sadly, this will not deter the many bow hunters who will shortly be trekking into the woods of Georgia to perpetuate this terrible wounding and crippling rate.