New senator won’t be any different
In November, Georgia will send a new senator to Washington to represent us in all our hopes of a Congress we can be proud of. Our new senator will raise our trust in Congress higher than its ever been. The new senator will fix all the problems that past Congresses have failed to address, stop all wars, fix immigration, make all racial discrimination disappear, and make America a shining example to the rest of the world. But I’ll bet that the new senator will be coerced and bullied into toeing the party line, just like all new babes in the woods. Remember past newbies — they never got a chance to do what was promised. Will we never learn?
Are relatives fair game in election?
I see where Governor Deal thinks it is fair game to link Jason Carter’s grandfather’s views on peace in the Middle East to Sen. Jason Carter’s campaign for governor. Would it, then, be fair game to link Governor Deal’s father’s or grandfather’s views on segregation to his campaign?
Helping refugees is American way
Thousands of innocent people are trapped on a mountain in Iraq and must choose between starvation and execution by the ISIS. Only the U.S. has the capability to pull off a rescue; they have one chance. America does not need to temporize to protect a political promise to “never have boots on the ground.” This is ridiculous and contradicts all the values that we, as Americans, cherish. History will mark our country’s achievements for those we have saved, not for our ability to rationalize inane slogans. Let’s get these innocent people to safety.
Rest of N. Fulton wants MARTA, too
I find it interesting that Sandy Springs is the northernmost city I have seen in the AJC regarding expansion of MARTA rail. My family has lived in Alpharetta for about 15 years and would have benefited greatly from having commuter rail. Sandy Springs already has the MARTA North Springs station. By the time we drive to North Springs from Alpharetta, we may as well continue to Buckhead or Atlanta; the hard part is over. A station near Holcomb Bridge Road would benefit Roswell residents, and one near Mansell would help Alpharetta and Roswell.
I’m in favor of MARTA expanding on the east side of Ga. 400. Then it would be great to have a station near Windward Parkway, where there is a park-and-ride already. North Fulton County has been paying the MARTA sales tax since its inception and should get something for it. Ironically, people living in Forsyth County might drive to one of the stations for a train ride, too. Maybe traffic congestion on the “Hospitality Highway” would decrease.
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