Letter on conservative cartoonist is offensive
I am writing this letter because I found “Cartoonist excels at lampooning stupidity” (Readers write, Opinion, April 19) to be extremely offensive.
I agree that Michael Ramirez’s cartoons are sometimes less than brilliant. The one published April 19 (Opinion), for example, was really rather “lame,” but he is occasionally spot on. Some of the other conservative cartoonists that you feature are good, too. Mike Luckovich, on the other hand, has grown increasingly less humorous and more and more insulting.
I also take umbrage with the letter writer’s insinuation that the AJC deliberately uses an inferior conservative cartoonist so as to highlight the alleged “brilliance” of Luckovich. My husband and I have traveled extensively all over the United States. Because we love our morning newspaper, we have purchased them everywhere. My husband is a staunch Republican, and I am a former Democrat turned independent. Our political views tend to disagree considerably. However, we agree that the AJC is the fairest, most unbiased newspaper in the country. Keep up the good work.
Wrong assumptions are made about God
A recent letter discussing “God’s plan” makes some great observations about how people wrongly assume what God wants in terms of marriage and life in general. The letter writer notes that people simply don’t know (“God’s plan would have us be loving to others,” Readers write, Opinion, April 16).
The writer then — somewhat hypocritically — decides that homosexual couples should be treated the same as heterosexual couples because, “It’s only right in the eyes of God.”
I believe God works in mysterious ways, and likes the teachings of Jesus Christ (but perhaps I am wrong).
Congress should back VA hospital funding
Regarding “Audit slams care for veterans” (News, April 19), having firsthand experience at the Atlanta VA Medical Center, I readily concur that operational improvements must be made. The facility seems to be overwhelmed with patients; it is understaffed, underfunded and suffering from antiquated administrative procedures.
Although U.S. Rep. Sanford Bishop feels that money is not the issue, properly applied larger budgets will certainly facilitate improvement. The federal government is quick to give billions of dollars to many countries with not just subtle hostility towards the U.S., but outright hatred. Surely, our congressional leaders can redirect some of those monies, even in a tight budget, to support those who have contributed so much to our freedom and way of life.
Improved funding coupled with corrective management will help alleviate the unacceptable conditions at VA facilities. I ask for this not just as a veteran, but more importantly as an American citizen.