Faith in humankind is

renewed by kindly act

On a recent morning, as we awoke to the news about the APS cheating indictments, I began to wonder if the word “humankind” was a misnomer. Humanity? Kindness? Where had they gone?

Just a few hours later, my faith in both were renewed when a stranger pulled into our driveway and gave my husband his money clip – with hundreds of dollars and all of his credit cards still intact. Apparently, my husband had unknowingly dropped the clip in a local store parking lot and drove off.

How easy it would have been for this man who found it to say, “Finder’s keepers”? Instead, he drove to our home and, on returning it to my husband, said that he wanted to make sure that the clip got back to him in its entirety. He refused any reward or recognition. He never even gave us his name. He simply wanted to do the right thing.

This kind human gave us a blessing, and a renewed faith in humankind.



Cheers for youth who

seek integrated proms

In the U.S.A. in the year 2013, there are still two separate proms being held — one black, and one white, in the state of Georgia.

To think that there are people who think that there is no need for certain laws to be enforced, because there is no need for them — like the Voting Rights Act! It’s sad, but encouraging, to see that there are younger people who feel an integrated prom would really be a great idea. What a contrast to the feelings of their parents.

It’s good to know that the youth of today see integration in a different way than our ancestors. Three cheers for our youth!



Gift-giving to influence

should be made illegal

I guess I might have missed a couple of civics classes in my school days. I must have missed the lesson that says it’s OK for state legislators to receive gifts of any value from people trying to influence their decisions.

I think it’s the height of audacity for our state legislators to expect any financial or lifestyle benefit for doing their jobs.

Here’s what I would have proposed regarding ethics reform: Lobbyists cannot offer, and legislators can’t accept, any gift or service designed to create influence in state decision making. It’s pretty simple, if you ask me: Do your job, cash your paycheck and take care of the citizens’ business.



Update Privacy Act

to combat ID thieves

It’s time for the Information Privacy Act to be updated.

The number of requests received concerning the privacy of my personal information is ridiculous. Why should I have to continue telling business entities I don’t want to have them “share” my information?

It’s time the politicians in this country came to grips with the real world of criminals in areas such as ID theft, and helped us lock down our personal information. Perhaps a few lawsuits regarding this sharing of data would help change the business world’s thoughts.