In Garden of Eden, they didn’t eat meat

TV-host Glenn Beck and other stalwarts of the Christian Right have attacked the movie “Noah” as being “pro-animal” and unfaithful to the Bible. The film is both pro-animal and faithful to the Bible, at least to the Book of Genesis, our only source for the story of Noah. Genesis 1:29 admonishes, “Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree that has seed-yielding fruit, to you it shall be for food.”

It is only after the flood, with fruits and vegetables no longer abundant, that humans get permission to eat animal flesh. Even then, the Bible stipulates that lives of only select animals may be taken, and always with reverence and minimal cruelty. Each of us can re-create the diet of the Garden of Eden by dropping animal products from our menu.


Monument supporters force beliefs on others

What is it with right-wing Christians? They are determined to pass a law to put up a Ten Commandments monument. Do they ever read them? No. 2 forbids them from making an image of anything God created. If God created those stone tablets, how does a Christian make a monument? I believe their need to shove their religion down our throats is more important to them than following what they claim to believe.



Does CEO pay reflect a hospital’s priorities?

"Millions on the line for hospital CEO pay" (News, March 30) causes one to wonder if hospitals are more concerned about the health care business than about the business of health care. An attorney for Northside Hospital chose not to disclose what its CEO's $1.2 million bonus-winning goals were because, "There's only so much Northside wants to disclose to its competitors."

The operative word is “competitors,” one cause of high health care costs and inequitable distribution of services. Competition is a capitalism cornerstone. It can also become a stumbling block to providing affordable medical care to our citizens. A hospital should be more concerned about care than competition.



Mayor’s example isn’t something to emulate

With 73 percent of black births born to unwed mothers, we need better examples from black male leaders than Mayor Kasim Reed, who has given permission to black males to impregnate women without taking responsibility. According to “Reed announces he, Langford will marry” (Metro, April 1) Andrew Young tried to persuade Reed three months ago to propose. Reed needed to be persuaded? How does this make his fiance feel? Reed and his fiance have law degrees. Do they not know about birth control?