Story of spunky kitten warms the heart
Thank you for running the feature story of the California couple who convinced an animal shelter to let them adopt a badly injured kitten who, after having been mangled and having a leg amputated, had the spunk to survive. They wanted the kitten as a companion for their daughter, 2-year-old Scarlette, whose arm was amputated after she was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. Sometimes people don’t realize that a cat can be as good a pet therapist as a dog, and can have just as much love and comfort to give. I hope Scarlette and her feline companion, Doc McStuffins, have a long and loving relationship with one another and will continue to help each other heal. What a heart-warming story to begin the new year.
What would Martin Luther King Jr. do?
Admittedly, we must continue to address high poverty rates, income inequality and educational system failures, issues that were addressed by speakers at the celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. But, in spite of multiple government programs to address these issues since inauguration of the Great Society, we must ask ourselves whether we have addressed the fundamental cause. Might that cause be the virtual collapse of the family? Given the alarming increase of single mothers and the fact that, statistically, the children of those mothers do not do well in society, should we not be promoting marriage from all platforms, pulpits and roof tops, while at the same time convincing young children that they must either refrain from sex or practice birth control if they don’t want to lead a life of poverty? What would MLK Jr. do?