It’s hard to top young Georgians for energy and enthusiasm. Their “Why not change the world?” attitude paired with youthful smarts presents a powerful force for progress that bears watching. For those reasons, business leaders and policymakers alike pay intense attention to young adults and closely observe how they are influencing the region, state and world as they grow into their own.

To some degree, such has been the case with each successive generation that clambers atop this earth’s stage. What’s important to remember is that societies, cities and even infrastructure changes inexorably, if often gradually, as these transitions occur. Which means that the Atlanta of 20 years from now and beyond will likely be quite different than our home of today. The changes may be dramatic, or much more in the margins, but they will come. As always, societal demands will find ready supply and change will result.

Thus, we invited Howard Franklin, executive director of the Georgia Forward forum, and several members of the group’s Young Gamechangers initiative to explore the theme of Georgia’s Golden Age. Their thoughts bear consideration as metro Atlanta and Georgia move toward the future.

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