Today’s moderator: Rick Badie
Rick Badie joined The Atlanta Journal-Constitution as an education reporter in 1997. A South Georgia native, he’s covered the region’s immigrant communities, was a feature obituary writer and opinion columnist for the AJC’s Gwinnett edition.
President Barack Obama says Congress will pass a comprehensive immigration reform measure before he leaves office in 2017. Businesses that need workers can't wait that long, notes the president of a Georgia-based poultry-processing plant, so Congress must act now. Meanwhile, an executive for a non-partisan public-interest group says there's a surplus of idle workers, but employers prefer foreigners who work for less. Finally, a Gainesville attorney outlines the path to citizenship, or lack thereof, for Mexicans.
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Today's columnists:
- Congress: Act on immigration reform by Tom Hensley
- America has a labor surplus by Dan Stein
- Embrace Mexicans by Arturo Corso
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