Two women who were seen on surveillance video running for their lives on a railroad bridge and diving under a train to survive have now been criminally charged.
Stacey June Smith, 37, of Bloomingotn, Ind., and Wendy Gayle Timothy, 34, of Pensacola, Fla., are charged with misdemeanor railroad trespassing. The charges could result in six months jail time and a $1,000 fine, according to The Herald-Times.
The video shows the two women running on a railroad bridge, then dropping down on the tracks just before the train runs them over.
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"When the train stopped, the two women crawled out from under the engine, started running this way," Eric Powell, with Indiana Railroad, said. "(The conductor) yelled back and asked them, 'Are you okay?' One yelled she had stubbed her toe, (but was) otherwise fine. I'm sure their nerves were as shattered as his were." (
Watching the video, It’s hard to believe that a stubbed toe was the worst of their physical injuries.
The incident happened earlier this month on the Indiana Railroad bridge northeast of Bloomington at Lake Lemon. The bridge is 80 feet high. There are no walkways because pedestrians are not allowed.
The 100-car coal train braked hard, Powell said, but was across the bridge before it was able to stop.