Hundreds of thousands of Americans led the Obama Administration to speak out on a range of issues by using "We the People," an online site that allowed Americans to petition for action from the federal government.
When more than 5,000 people signed a petition, the White House promised to respond.
In later years that threshold jumped to 100,000 signatures.
The Obama Administration responded to 227 petitions, according to analysis by the Pew Research Center of 4799 petitions from 2011 to July, 2016.
Pew researchers found one petition may have led to a bill that President Barack Obama signed into law in 2014 that allowed consumers to unlock cell phones to be used on various cellular networks.
A 2015 petition pushed President Obama to support state efforts to ban conversion therapy for LGBTQ individuals.
Petitioners spoke out on health care to immigration to military issues.
Five stood out with the most support:
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