The beloved and rare car was reunited with its heartbroken owner thanks to the website Jalopnik.

The Delorean was stolen from the owner’s yard in Morgan Hill, Calif.

The car, made famous by the film Back to the Future, is a very unique car.

This particular model is no exception. In fact, it is more unique than most.

This Delorean is painted black. Most are just a simple stainless finish.

The owner posted his sad story to the Jalopnik site and commenters took action.

Readers and commenters on the site, known as Jalops, took to Craigslist to see if the thief was trying to sell it. He was.

The not-so-smart car thief had the priceless possession for sale for just $12,000.

A few people sent e-mails to the poster, known as Mikey, to verify it was the car they were looking for.

“Mikey” sent pictures of the car and of the odometer. With that, they knew it was the right car.

It had 636 miles, same as the stolen car.

The private-eye-posters told the owner, he told police and now the car is on its way home.

Police haven’t said what exact charges the thief will see, but his capture is all thanks to some dedicated enthusiasts.