With a town named Rifle, you would expect the residents to be fond of guns.
That seems to be the case in Rifle, Colorado, where the waitresses at Shooters Grill carry loaded guns as they deliver food to customers. The servers carry guns ranging from a .357 six-shooter to Glock semiautomatics, according to this USA Today report. The guns are worn in holsters similar to the ones police officers wear, to reduce the risk of a customer grabbing for the weapon. All servers are certified to carry concealed weapons, and are required to follow strict rules while performing their job duties, such as making sure the safety is on and keeping the gun holstered at all times.
The restaurant also does not serve alcohol, and considers itself a religious, family-friendly establishment.
A sign, declaring “guns are welcome on premises” greets customers. Inside, patrons can order food items like the M16 burrito or the locked and loaded nachos. The restaurant offers a handgun safety seminar to its customers.
The small town of Rifle has a low violent crime rate. The owner, Lauren Boebert, claims she was not trying to make a big political statement with her unique establishment, saying she just wanted to create a place where likeminded people could feel comfortable carrying weapons publicly.
Colorado does not require a special permit to carry weapons openly. Local governments in Colorado can enact open-carry restrictions, but Shooters Grill is obeying all laws in Rifle.
Even though the waitresses never expect to have to draw their weapons, it’s wise not to stiff them on the tip.
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