When Charles Logan first went to the hospital, it was for a possible concussion. Hospital staff say he seemed agitated and paranoid. But it couldn’t have prepared them for what came next.

"All of a sudden he comes charging into view with this large, long pole and starts wildly swinging at the staff," Maplewood Police Chief Paul Schnell told the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

Newly released video shows Logan raising the pole above his head as he strikes anyone within his reach. KARE reports there were a number of injuries, including one nurse who suffered a collapsed lung.

Logan was found just blocks from St. John’s hospital where deputies were forced to tase and tackle him.

After he was handcuffed, Logan became unconscious. He was taken back to the hospital where he later died.

The Star Tribune writes, "there was a difference of opinion between Logan and his wife and daughter about his treatment." Logan even had an attorney ask for a protective order against his wife. When no such order was issued, Logan went on his rampage.

“You really hope that there is some clear answer for the sake of the family, Schnell told the paper.  “For the sake of the nurses.”

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