Typo spotted on Donald Trump's inauguration portrait

President Donald Trump’s inauguration portrait is on sale now at the Library of Congress. But the initial print of the photo showed a problem. A quote printed over the picture hosted a typo.

“No dream is too big, no challenge is to great. Nothing we want for the future is beyond our reach,” it read. The second “to” should instead be a “too.”

>> US Dept. of Ed. typo on W.E.B. Du Bois tweet sparks backlash

Once people began mocking the photo on Twitter and Library noticed the typo, the item was removed from the agency's web page on Shopify, and it has not yet begun reselling the corrected one. The website now takes you to a 404 error.

According to The Hill, the portrait, which was removed from the Shopify page on Sunday night, described the print as capturing "the essence of Trump's campaign for the presidency of the United States."