TSA agents miss explosives, weapons during tests

(Photo) TSA uniform

Credit: TSA

Credit: TSA

(Photo) TSA uniform

A check of systems by the Homeland Security Red Teams found workers routinely failed to locate dummy explosives and weapons in airports across America.

The teams consist of employees acting as passengers with the single goal of sneaking dangerous materials past security checks.

One fake passenger was cleared after a pat-down with a faux bomb taped to his back. ABC News received the following response after asking Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson for a comment.

"Upon learning the initial findings of the Office of Inspector General's report, Secretary Johnson immediately directed TSA to implement a series of actions, several of which are now in place, to address the issues raised in the report."

Despite the problems, which have occurred before, Homeland Security chiefs maintain America’s airports, and skies are safe.

“We know that the adversary innovates,” former TSA Administrator John Pistole wrote in 2013. “We have to push ourselves to capacity in order to remain one step ahead.” He went on to say as part of that testers “know exactly what our protocols are. They can create and devise and conceal items that not even the best terrorists would be able to do,” Pistole added.

Equally disturbing was the discovery that more than $550 million in upgraded equipment and training failed to improve results.