And one more If smiley faces, frowning faces, angry faces or winking faces just don’t convey the message you want to send in that email or text, today will be a good day for you. (insert smiley face here) The emoji family is growing. Seventy-two new icons are out today, including ones that depict bacon, pancakes, avocados, rhinos, someone face palming, and fingers crossed. The emojis are released in Unicode 9.0 by the non-profit Unicode Consortium. They are the folks who are in charge of the software standard for the little images. In case you missed it Do you find yourself feeling embarrassed for the bear?
" target="_blank">1. Civil rights case closed: Federal and state officials said Monday they have closed the case of the murders of three civil rights workers in Mississippi, seeing not viable prosecutions remaining after more than 50 years of investigations. James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner were in the state in 1964 registering blacks to vote when they were ambushed by a group of Ku Klux Klan members 52 years ago Tuesday. The three were shot and killed. Their bodies would be found 44 days later in an earthen dam.
2. Gun votes: The Senate blocked four votes on gun control issues Monday, a week after the deadliest mass shooting in the nation's history. The measures, which would have closed the "gun show loophole," expanded background checks and denied a gun sale to a known or suspected terrorist, all failed to get the 60 votes needed for passage.
3. Orlando shooting transcripts: On Monday the FBI released some of the transcripts of conversations between 911 operators and the man who shot and killed nearly 50 people in an Orlando nightclub. Omar Mateen told police, according to a redacted transcript, "I wanna let you know, I'm in Orlando and I did the shootings...I pledge allegiance to [ISIS leader] Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi may God protect him, on behalf of the Islamic State." Mateen made two other calls to the emergency number that night. The FBI came under attack later in the day for omitting portions of the transcript that included the name of al-Baghdadi and the words "Islamic State." The agency released a more full transcript that included the names later in the day.
4. Bad day for Trump: Donald Trump lags far behind Hillary Clinton on one front – fundraising -- according to federal election reports. Clinton, along with the Democratic National Committee, started June with $42 million in the bank. Trump and the Republican National Committee had only $1.3 million. Trump had other problems Monday when he fired his campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski.
5. Combat standards: Physical standards put into place to determine if women are able to be part of U.S. Marine Corps combat troops have eliminated six out of seven female recruits. It has also weeded out 40 out of 1,500 male recruits. The new regimen, according to The Associated Press, includes pull-ups, ammunition-can lifts, a 3-mile run and combat maneuvers required to move on in training for combat jobs.
And one more
If smiley faces, frowning faces, angry faces or winking faces just don't convey the message you want to send in that email or text, today will be a good day for you. (insert smiley face here) The emoji family is growing. Seventy-two new icons are out today, including ones that depict bacon, pancakes, avocados, rhinos, someone face palming, and fingers crossed. The emojis are released in Unicode 9.0 by the non-profit Unicode Consortium. They are the folks who are in charge of the software standard for the little images.
In case you missed it
Do you find yourself feeling embarrassed for the bear?
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