Here's a roundup of news trending across the nation and world today.

What we know now

1. Feeling better: Hillary Clinton said Monday that her campaign did not disclose the fact she had pneumonia because she didn't think it was "going to be that big a deal."  The announcement about her illness came after a video surfaced showing her stumbling into a van as she left a 9/11 memorial ceremony Sunday. Clinton said she left after feeling dizzy and overheated, then lost her balance as she was getting into a van. She was diagnosed with pneumonia Friday. "I was supposed to rest five days -- that's what they told me on Friday -- and I didn't follow that very wise advice," Clinton told CNN's Anderson Cooper in a phone interview. Clinton said she was feeling much better.

2. DWTS protests aimed at Lochte: Ryan Lochte's debut on "Dancing With the Stars" was marred when protesters rushed the stage as the swimmer had just finished his dance and was hearing a critique from the judges. Two of the protesters got onto the dance floor and near Lochte and his partner, Cheryl Burke. Security guards got them off stage, according to reports. Judge Carrie Ann Inaba was yelling, "Excuse me!" as the men came toward Lochte. While the incident happened during the live show, the TV audience did not see it as the camera stayed on Inaba. The men were arrested.

3. Planned veto of 9/11 bill: President Barack Obama is expected to veto a bill that would allow victims of the 9/11 terror attacks to sue Saudi Arabia. According to White House press secretary Josh Earnest the president  will not sign the bill because it would complicate diplomatic relations with the country. The bill passed the Senate in May and was unanimously passed by the House on Friday.

4. Galaxy Note 7: Samsung is set to issue a software update for its troubled Galaxy Note 7 phones after reports say the device's battery can catch fire or explode. The update will limit battery recharges to less than 60 percent of a full charge. Note 7 owners are being urged to return the smartphones for a newer version that has corrected the manufacturing problem Samsung says causes the battery issue.

5. NCAA pulls championships: The NCAA has pulled seven championship events set to be played in North Carolina in response to a bill that, in part, requires transgender people to use the public restroom that corresponds with their gender at birth. The group that governs college sports says House Bill 2 prevents them from hosting events that "promote an inclusive atmosphere for all college athletes, coaches, administrators and fans." The National Basketball Association announced earlier in the summer that they have pulled the 2017 All-Star game out of the state because of HB2.

And one more

The tech expert who set up Hillary Clinton's private email server has been called to testify before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Bryan Pagliano who was a tech manager at the State Department when he installed the server at Clinton's home, has already spoken to the FBI under a guarantee of immunity from prosecution. He told the bureau that Clinton's  server had never been  successfully breached. He refused to talk to the House committee investigating the Benghazi attacks earlier  this year.

In case you missed it

The stalkers become the stalked.