In the photos the model has been given a square thigh gap and her already thin arms have been "touched-up" to appear smaller.

The photos stirred up a strong reaction on the website Jezebel and also got twitter users talking.

Jezebel writes:

The worst, most horrible part of this (aside from the horrible Photoshopping skills of whatever poor graphic design intern got assigned to do this) is that this product is for their junior's line. This is what is being marketed and pushed on young girls—this absurd image of a crotch that absolutely does not and cannot happen naturally. This what young girls have to look at and try to reconcile with their own, normally shaped bodies.

By Tuesday, the images were gone from Target's website. But the controversy rages on. The 'thigh gap' as it is called, is something many teens aspire to, even though it is an unrealistic body image. Media reports say teens seek plastic surgery to thin their thighs, in order to more closely resemble the Photoshopped models.