The parents of the Wisconsin 12-year-old girl who was stabbed repeatedly by two classmates have provided an update about the girl, including details about the girl receiving a Purple Heart medal from an anonymous donor.
The statement reads as follows:
“Our family continues to be so moved by the prayers, well wishes, packages, financial support and purple hearts from around the world. Our little girl has received thousands of purple hearts from numerous countries and from every state in the United States.”
Recently she received a very heartfelt and special gift—a military Purple Heart, given anonymously. With it was a card that read, “The Only Heart I Could Find – Be Strong.”
According to Milwaukee TV station WITI, the family contacted Wisconsin Secretary of Veterans Affairs John Scocos, who stated:
“Those who receive this military recognition do so because they have been wounded or killed in an action against an enemy of the United States or as a result of an act of any such enemy or opposing armed forces. American service men and women are also moms and dads, uncles and aunts – brothers and sisters. It does not surprise me that a decorated veteran unselfishly gave this amazingly brave and courageous little girl something from his or her heart.”
The family of the stabbing victim, who has not been identified, wanted to personally thank the individual for the gift and for their sacrifice for our country, WTTI reported.
The girl spent six days in a Milwaukee-area hospital and is recovering at home.
Reuters reported the alleged attackers, Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier, both 12, are facing adult attempted homicide charges that could result in 60 years in prison if they are convicted. If convicted under juvenile state law, however, the suspects could be incarcerated to age 25.
According to official reports, Weier and Geyser told authorities they attacked the girl to please Slender Man, a fictional bogeyman popular on the Internet that they insisted was real.
The family of the victim said supporters have donated over $50,000 to assist the family in their goal of $250,000 to help with mounting medical expenses.
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