Kaitlyn Walls had just secured a new job in The Colony, Texas at a daycare center, but didn’t even get to work her first day before getting fired.

The 27-year-old single mother revealed on Facebook that she was starting her new job, but hates working at daycare and doesn't want to be around kids all of the time, according to Rare.

“I start my new job today, but I absolutely hate working at day care,” she wrote on Facebook.

The daycare center got wind of the post, perhaps through small town gossip, and fired her.

"I really needed it really bad," she told CBS Dallas-Fort Worth. "I'm a single mom … trying to get out on my own."

“I had all these girls attacking me because I don’t want to be around a lot of kids all the time,” she added. “I actually cried. It really hurt because I wasn’t trying to offend anybody.”

“It really was a big mistake,” she continued. “I don’t hate children. I have my own … I love her.”

And there is the moral of the story: Be careful what you say on the Internet.

Unfortunately, at the time of this writing, Walls has not changed her Facebook privacy settings.