On June 24 the Michigan judge had ordered the three children to be held in juvenile detention until they are 18 years old, or until they attempt to have a relationship with their father.

The judge held a hearing last Friday and granted the motion to allow the children ages 15, 10 and 9, to attend summer camp.

It's unknown if the children will have to return to juvenile detention center after the two-week camp concludes.

>>>Read the original story here: Judge orders kids to juvenile center for refusing to see dad

Gorcyca has created controversy with her ruling on the case and online petitions have appeared online in support of the children.

A petition appears on Change.org asking for the release of the Tsimhoni siblings from the juvenile detention center and has around 7,000 signatures so far.

A different petition asks for the removal of Gorcyca from office. That petition has over 9,000 signatures.