The grandfather who won hearts and Internet fame after cooking 12 burgers for six grandchildren only to have just one show up is planning a cookout and everyone is invited.

Kelsey Harmon tweeted a photo of her grandfather, "Papaw," sadly eating a burger Wednesday. It was shared thousands of times and gained so much traction it made it to Twitter's "moments" page, which tracks trending tweets and compiles them into a feed.

Well, the grandchildren made it over for some burgers and now Papaw is inviting everyone to join them.

A cookout is planned for Saturday at a flea market the family owns in Purcell, Oklahoma, according to Buzzfeed. Burgers are $2 and "I had a burger with Papaw" T-shirts will be available for $25.

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Papaw plans to cook and take pictures all day if people show up, grandson Brock Harmon tweeted. The barbecue and souvenirs were Papaw's idea.

"It was Papaw's idea to have the cookout," Kelsey told Buzzfeed. "He loves all of this. He never ever thought he would be a celebrity."

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Mack Jackson and Tracy Wheeler

Credit: File photos