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Speaking on a CNN political talk show Sunday morning, Florida Senator and GOP presidential candidate Marco Rubio lashed out at Donald Trump for his derogatory statements about John McCain’s military service.
“It’s not just absurd, it’s offensive. It’s ridiculous. And I do think it’s a disqualifier as commander-in-chief,” Rubio said in a one-on-one interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union.”
At a candidate forum in Iowa, Trump, who is also seeking the Republican presidential nomination in 2016, ridiculed the 2008 GOP presidential nominee’s military record in Vietnam. Trump said McCain was “not a war hero” because he had been captured.
McCain was a prisoner of war who was held in the infamous Hanoi Hilton hotel in Vietnam were he endured harsh torture.
Trump also charged McCain had done little to assist U.S. military veterans.
“He’s saying that somehow if you’re captured in battle you’re less worthy of honors,” Rubio said. “It’s not just absurd, it’s offensive. It’s ridiculous. And I do think it’s a disqualifier as commander in chief.” Rubio said as the campaign goes on and Trump commands attention, “it’s required people to be more forceful in some of these offensive things that he is saying.”
Rubio was not the only Republican White House candidate to slam Trump for his views on McCain.
Former Texas governor Rick Perry said on NBC’s Meet the Press that Trump’s comments were “over the top.”
Jeb Bush also tweeted, “Enough with the slanderous attacks.”
A spokesman told the Associated Press said the Arizona senator would not have any comment on Trump’s statements.
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