If Rio Olympic athletes weren't already concerned about potentially getting the Zika virus this summer, there's something else to be worried about: toxic water.
In addition to Olympic village housing issues, officials are telling athletes to keep their mouths closed when in Rio de Janeiro's water to avoid getting sick.
"This is just unreal. This water is black," a CBS reporter said.
The New York Times reported Guanabara Bay, where the games' sailing and windsurfing events are set to be held, is more contaminated with toxic pathogens than previously thought.
A local pediatrician who works in impoverished communities told the Times, "Foreign athletes will literally be swimming in human (waste), and they risk getting sick from all those microorganisms."
The bay was supposed to be cleaned up a long time ago. It was part of the deal made when Rio de Janeiro was first awarded the games several years ago, but the cleanup hasn't happened.
Estimates in 2014 said that 70 percent of the city's waste is diverted to Guanabara Bay. Researchers also found evidence of antibiotic-resistant "super bacteria" in the body of water.
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