Halloween costumes often reflect the political climate. Usually before presidential elections, the masks of the candidates go head-to-head. The one that sells the best is sometimes the winner of the votes come November.

This year, despite being a non-presidential election year, is no different as costume companies are putting their mark on the debates that are facing the nation, The New York Daily News.

Party City, a party supply chain, is marketing a costumed named simply, "The Wall."

For Pink Floyd fans, it hearkens back to their album, “The Wall,” but for those with an eye on the debates President Donald Trump’s administration has been stoking, “The Wall” also means the wall candidate Trump had promoted on the campaign trail.

The costume costs $29.99 and comes with a tunic printed in a brick pattern that simply says, "The Wall."

Earlier this Halloween season, Spirit Halloween Superstores were under fire for promoting a costume that was a border patrol officer. The costume is sold out online.

People Upset Over Border Patrol Halloween Costume