A Fourth of July float in Norfolk, Nebraska has sparked controversy with its depiction of President Obama.

The float features a smiling skeletal version of the  president wearing overalls hanging out outside of an outhouse labeled the Obama Presidential Library. 

According to ABC News,  resident Liz Guthrie says the crowd was laughing and clapping as the float went by. Her boyfriend Lance Harvey said he thought the float was simply political satire. The Nebraska Democratic Party wasn't quite so amused.

"There is a level of respect for the office of the Presidency which should not be crossed," Dan Marvin, NDP Executive Director, said according to KLKN-TV. 

 Many residents condemned the parade float as a 'racial statement.'  Parade committee member Rick Konopasek said the float was the most popular of the parade and had been awarded an honorable mention. The Associated Press reports that parade organizers plan to meet this week to discuss the float and "whether any policy changes should be made for the future."