An Arizona man learned the hard way that it's not a good idea to play with rattlesnakes after spending two weeks in the hospital for snake bite injuries.

It seems Victor Pratt, 48, decided he wanted barbecue rattlesnake during a family birthday party, according to Inside Edition.

"I know to cook them and cut the heads off and stuff," Pratt said. "They taste like chicken. It's not bad," he told Inside Edition.

But, Pratt's plan backfired after he told FOX10 that he was "playing with it like little kids do."

His hand slipped and the reptile attacked. It bit Pratt twice, once in the neck, which doctors said was dangerous because his throat could swell shut, according to FOX10.

Pratt was just fine in the end, but he did need 26 vials of anti-venom to recover.

He told Fox10 he will not be playing with rattlesnakes anymore.

Read more here.