A neighborhood came together to save more than two dozen rabbits from a burning home – while the animals' owner was at a rabbit show.

Paul Leasure, the owner of the house, got a frantic phone call Monday afternoon telling him that his Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania, home was on fire.

Everyone who lives near Stroughton Beach Road knows that Leasure raises rabbits, so when the flames broke out, neighbors raced down to his property in whatever way they could. One neighbor came on his all-terrain vehicle, and another came on his lawn mower.

Don Gavulvich arrived before firefighters and headed inside.

"The neighborhood came together and we pulled all the rabbit cages out," Gavulvich said.

They ended up saving 30 rabbits and the family dog. Leasure's home and most of his belongings are destroyed, but he and his neighbors are grateful it was not worse.

"He still has everything that means everything to him. He's got his health, he's got his girl, he's got his rabbits, which means everything to the man," Gavulvich said.

Leasure said he is thankful for his neighbors who jumped into action for him.

"I'd do the same for them. I'll tell you what. I'd do the same for them," he said.

The cause of the fire has not yet been determined.