Airman who led sex assault unit charged with groping
An Air Force officer who led the branch’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Response unit has been charged with groping a woman in a parking lot. Arlington County Police said Monday they charged Lt. Col. Jeffrey Krusinski of Arlington with misdemeanor sexual battery following an alleged assault about 12:30 a.m. Sunday. A police report says Krusinski, 41, was drunk and grabbed a woman’s breast and buttocks. Police say the woman fought him off and called police. Police said Krusinski did not know the woman. Air Force spokeswoman Natasha Waggoner said Krusinski was removed from his position in the sexual assault unit after the Air Force learned of his arrest. He started in the position in February.
Slain Newtown educators receive Citizen Honors Medal
The six educators killed in the December massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School were honored Monday by an organization composed of Medal of Honor recipients. The Congressional Medal of Honor Society said it chose the women to receive its Citizen Honors Medal, the highest award it gives to a civilian, after receiving dozens of nominations for their actions during the shooting. The educators’ families received the awards at the ceremony at Newtown High School. “There are no people more worthy of this award,” said Janet Robinson, who was superintendent of Newtown schools at the time of the shooting.
Feds add bigger, faster planes to wildfire fleet
The U.S. Forest Service is gearing up for a tough wildfire season by adding to its large air tanker fleet seven planes that fly faster and will drop a bigger payload of fire retardant than in the past. The long-anticipated contracts announced Monday total $158 million and include several models of aircraft, including one for a converted DC10 that’s bigger than anything the Forest Service has used on a regular basis. The newer planes join the aging fleet of eight large tankers, mostly Korean War-era submarine chasers.
Casey Anthony judge: There was enough to convict
The judge who presided over the trial of Casey Anthony says he believes there was enough evidence to convict the Florida mother who was acquitted of murdering her 2-year-old daughter. Judge Belvin Perry told NBC’s “Today” show Monday that he believes there was sufficient evidence for a first-degree murder conviction, even though much of it was circumstantial. Anthony was acquitted almost two years ago of killing her daughter, Caylee, following a trial that attracted worldwide attention. She was convicted of making false statements to police and got credit for time served. The judge says he saw two sides to Anthony. The one she showed to jurors was a wrongfully accused mother grieving for her child. The other was a woman who wasn’t afraid to shout and swear at her attorneys.
Student: Test fire of ‘3D-printed’ handgun successful
A University of Texas law school student says a gun made with 3D-printed technology was successfully fired this weekend in Central Texas. There are claims the 3D-printed handgun is the first weapon of its kind, and this past weekend marked the first successful test of its kind. Cody Wilson, the 25-year-old director and co-founder of Defense Distributed, the online collective managing the Wiki Weapon Project, said the successful tests of the guns, largely composed of plastic, were well documented. “It behaved exactly as we expected it would,” Wilson said of the 3D-printed handgun.
Clinton announces Latin America initiative
Former President Bill Clinton said Monday the first Clinton Global Initiative Latin America is scheduled for Dec. 8-10 in Rio de Janeiro. He made the announcement in New York City, at the midyear meeting for his annual September conference, which brings together leaders in politics, business and philanthropy to tackle the world’s biggest problems. He was joined by Rio mayor, Eduardo Paes and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton at the start of a session discussing climate change and how cities can deal with it. The framework from the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group would allow for a common standard that could be used by cities all over the world as they try to figure out what actions to prioritize in trying to mitigate climate change.
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