Motorcyclists' helmet-cameras have caught a lot of incredible video, from heroic acts to terrible accidents, and this latest video is not any less titillating as a motorcyclist saves a tiny kitten from being run over in the middle of an intersection.

The video starts off with the female rider stopped at a red light, yawning and grumbling about the light length.

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That's when she looks over and sees a tiny, orange something slowly crawling in the middle of the intensely busy intersection.

Just as she comes to the realization of what the little creature is, a semi-truck blows right through the road area.

Thankfully, the kitten is unhurt and the motorcyclist jumps into action, riding her bike into the opposing lane's intersection.

"Stop!" she can be heard yelling, while holding up a hand at on-coming cars

The camera dips forward as she scopes up a very young, mewing, orange kitten.

The heroic rider runs over and hands off the kitten to an onlooker who, obviously shaken up, says, "I don't know who she belongs to!"

After the motorcyclist retrieves her bike and meets back up with the onlooker she admits, "I thought it was a leaf!"

She continues, "You're okay now, sweetie."

Mobile users see video here.