What might be the final look the world will have of Austin Stephanos and Perry Cohen, caught hours before the teens were lost at sea last July, is captured on video footage the state has made public.
The surveillance-camera footage shows the 14-year-old Florida boys heading toward the Jupiter Inlet on Austin’s boat July 24, passing near the Alternate A1A railroad bridge in the 19-foot SeaCraft.
The boys were going out to fish but apparently were caught in a storm that Friday afternoon and have not been seen again. The boat was discovered July 26, about 70 miles off the coast of Daytona Beach, and then went missing until March 18, when a Norwegian ship found it bobbing about 100 miles off the coast of Bermuda.
The Norwegian crew also recovered Austin's iPhone. Forensic experts at Apple are working with the Stephanos and Cohen families to determine whether any data from the phone can be recovered.
The phone was not backed up to the cloud, where its data would be stored on a server, the Stephanos family had said previously.
The video was released by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission as part of its investigation into the teens’ disappearance.
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