“I’m a true Patriots fan and I support our team, our New England Patriots, and I support Tom Brady, so I was hoping she would take a little more of a neutral route,” Fuller said.

Fuller, who grew up in Attleboro, said she was expecting to get questioned about Tom Brady during her interviews, but it never came.

“I give her a lot of credit and I know she’s come under fire in the last few hours, of winning, but people have to understand that’s a lot of pressure and you’re not going to make everyone happy,” she said.

The case was the center of attention hear in New England for 7 months and made headlines across the country, Fuller said she wasn't expecting that.

“From the beginning I thought there was much too much attention brought to this case, from the beginning. There’s been much more issues going on in the NFL that deserve more attention and I was very surprised that this case in particular would come under fire on the national spotlight. In comparison to some of the more gravity of the issues like sexual assault, that should have received more attention," she said.