You can always count on Vice President Joe Biden to say what’s on his mind.

Biden addressed a crowd in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, while on a campaign stop for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on Friday. Biden discussed Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's vulgar comments from the 2005 "Access Hollywood" video that surfaced earlier this month and the recent sexual assault allegations against Trump.

“Press always ask me, ‘Don’t I wish I were debating him?’” Biden told the crowd. “No, I wish we were in high school, and I could take him behind the gym.”

“What he said and did and does is the textbook definition of sexual assault,” Biden bellowed. “He said because I am famous, because I am a star, because I am a billionaire, I can do things other people can’t. What a disgusting assertion for anyone to make.”

Earlier this month, Biden made an appearance on “Late Night with Seth Meyers” discussing Trump’s comments and behavior.

(h/t Mashable)