A baby boy who will never know his mother now rocks to sleep nightly to the sound of her voice in a lullaby, thanks to the kindness of strangers on the internet.

In June, Utah residents Jared and Sharry Buhanan-Decker were getting ready to have their first baby after 9½ years of marriage, KSL reported. On June 16, James Francis "JJ" Buhanan-Decker was successfully delivered by an emergency cesarean section in a Salt Lake City hospital. But Sharry died from a rare condition called amniotic fluid embolism, in which the fluid surrounding a fetus enters the mother's bloodstream and causes abnormal blood clotting, CNN reported.

Sharry was 29.

"Counting down to it as the happiest days of our life, ended up being the worst." Buhanan-Decker told KUTV.

Jared was left to take care of his son on his own.

“It didn't feel like home without Sharry. My home has always been wherever Sharry was, and she wasn't there,” Buhanan-Decker told KSL.

After Sharry died, Buhanan-Decker found computer files that contained recordings of her voice — songs that she wrote years ago. The problem was, he could not open the files.

“I found these songs on a format that I couldn't convert," Buhanan-Decker told KUTV.

Buhanan-Decker posted on Reddit and asked for help.

Within hours, people responded. One poster told Buhanan-Decker “I’ll have this done in an hour.”

"I was just blown away by how quick people were to respond. I was hoping, you know, one or two people would but, you know, hundreds of comments and well wishes,” Buhanan-Decker told KSL.

He said dozens of strangers sent him the fixed files. The clip is now on repeat in the Buhanan-Decker household, a way to keep Sharry’s voice around.

Now, JJ rocks to sleep nightly to the sound of his mother’s voice.

Buhanan-Decker also keeps his wife's memory alive through his blog, LoveSharred.