A World War II veteran is getting ready to celebrate a milestone birthday and his family is trying to make it a surprise worthy of a hero.
Recil Troxel is obsessed with checking for mail, his daughter, Liz Anderson, told KSWO.
But most of the time, the mailbox is empty for the 92-year-old, KSWO reported.
Anderson and the rest of the family came up with the idea to get their patriarch something he really wants for his big day -- mail.
Troxel will celebrate his 93rd birthday in April. His family is asking complete strangers to send the veteran, who was diagnosed with cancer, a card, KSWO reported.
If you’d like to spread the cheer, you can mail a greeting to:
Recil Troxel
2684 North Highway 81
Marlow, OK 73055
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