If you've ever thought to yourself, "I sure wish someone would make milk taste like a chicken-shaped candy," then you're in luck. Prairie Farms will debut a PEEP-flavored milk for the Easter season.

Labeling the dairy infusion “twice the Easter fun," Prairie Farms will offer "Chocolate Marshmallow," "Marshmallow" and "Easter Egg Nog" flavors.

While you can imagine what the "Chocolate" and "Marshmallow" varieties may taste like, the "Egg Nog" remains a bit of a mystery. Though, we do know it has "5 grams of protein and 15 percent of the daily value of calcium, so go ahead and indulge."

According to the press release announcing the partnership, the companies predict the "tasty collaboration will bring Spring to life in the dairy department with twice the Easter fun."

They also anticipate the milk will "delight consumers of all ages."