The Florida Georgia Line concert at the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena was interrupted on Thursday night after an fire alarm sounded.

Several Action News Jax employees who were at the concert said the band sprinted off the stage and the lights came on.

Many people exited the building at that time.

“It’s terrifying you hear about things happening across the country it’s just like it will never happen at home but it can," said concert-goer Nicole Macphail.

SMG, which manages the arena, released a statement that said a smoke detector was triggered in the catwalk and caused the alarms to go off:

"Tonight, during the Florida Georgia Line concert at the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena, a smoke detector in the catwalk was triggered, setting off an alarm which caused a temporary delay in the show.

"Once the source of the alarm was detected and safety was ensured, the alarm system was reset and the show resumed. We appreciate the patience of our guests and thank Florida Georgia Line for giving Jacksonville a terrific show."

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