No one was sleeping in the bed or the dog bed when a 6 ½ pound hunk of metal broke beams, knocked down a light fixture and landed in Kipp Eckert's master bedroom in Bothell, Washington Wednesday morning.  But both of those beds are usually occupied.

"I heard a loud crash, felt the house shake,”  Eckert said, describing the moment when what was essentially a metal brick came crashing through his roof.

Eckert thought the flying object came from another flying object like a plane, and so did police.

"My initial thought was something from an airplane or perhaps the space station coming back from earth last week,” Officer Erik Martin said.

But an inspector from the Federal Aviation Administration took one look and immediately knew that the object came from a stump-grinder.

After hours of work, Martin found the culprit at a construction site a block away from Eckert's house. The workers said they changed the "teeth" on the massive machine Wednesday morning and one must have been left on the ground, then somehow got launched.

"Ultimately, they'll be responsible for paying for the repairs on the home,” Martin said.

"It was just such a random thing that turned out to be OK besides the hole in the roof,” Tami Ecker saidt.