After millions of families enjoy their Thanksgiving feast, many blame the turkey for their urge to take a nap.

But is this phenomenon really from turkey meat?

According to Time, turkey meat does not make you tired--it may even help counteract fatigue.

The reason why many people believe turkey meat causes drowsiness is because its meat contains the amino acid L-tryotophan, which produces sleep-inducing serotonin and melatonin.

But turkey has about the same amount of the amino acid as other meats, Time reports. In fact, turkey meat has a lot of protein, which could actually help regulate insulin levels and give people energy.

So what's the cause for Thanksgiving slumber?

"The heavy load of carbs that made up the rest of the meal are likely the culprits," the Time article states.

The amount of energy your stomach uses to digest a large amount of food does take its toll on your body and could make you more tired, according to Time.