During his show, "Beyond Magic," which aired Friday night, magician David Blaine attempted his famous bullet-catch stunt at Las Vegas' MGM Grand Garden Arena, but it went horribly wrong.

He held a metal cup between his teeth, which were protected by a gumshield, and set off a rifle in front of him to try to catch the bullet in his mouth. When the bullet fired into the cup as planned, the gumshield shattered, slamming the cup into the back of Blaine’s throat.

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"When the bullet struck the cup, there was a high-pitched ringing in my ears and I felt an impact on the back of my throat," Blaine said about the incident. "I was sure the bullet went right through my head and that I was dead. Suddenly I became aware of the pain and it brought me back. At that moment, I realized that the mouth guard had shattered again, and I was alive."

>> Watch the clip here

Luckily, Blaine will be fine, but he does have a lacerated throat.

Meanwhile, viewers reacted on Twitter with a range of emotions: