Barry Westrum, executive vice president of marketing for American Dairy Queen Corp,. said in a press release Feb. 1, "Single Americans now outnumber those who are married, so we felt the time was right to honor our single fans."

Dairy Queen partnered with  licensed clinical psychologist Dr. Joseph Cilona for a survey on U.S. singles.

"Americans are breaking the cliché of the ‘sad single’ with only 6 percent of singles actively opposing the holiday," Cilona said. "In fact, 82 percent of Americans are in favor of a more modern definition of the day that celebrates all kinds of love, including love of self."

Peanut butter and chocolate isn't the only flavor DQ is offering for February.

There is also a red velvet cake Blizzard Treat with vanilla soft-serve blended with red velvet cake pieces and cream cheese frosting.