A Los Angeles school crossing guard is being called a hero after stopping an attempted kidnapping at an elementary school, police say.

Maria Ramirez, 50, is facing one count of felony kidnapping. Police say the 8-year-old girl was leaving the school on Aug. 16 when Ramirez reportedly grabbed her arm and said, “Come on, come on,” according to the Los Angeles Police Department.

Crossing guard Adrian Young heard the girl screaming and rushed to help.

"She was like 'Please don't let her take me. I don't know her. She's not my mom,'" Young told KABC. "I kind of went into mother mode … because I couldn't see myself letting this little girl be taken. I'm just grateful I was there."

Young is less than 5 feet tall, but she managed to punch the woman before she ran away.

Officers were called to the scene and they were able to arrest Ramirez Wednesday. She is being held on $100,000 bail.