Search crews who have been looking for the missing Lynden, Washington-bound plane located wreckage Tuesday night.
The wreckage was located in the general area where a 16-year-old Bellingham teen emerged from the woods Monday near Mazama.
>> LISTEN: Autumn Veatch's 911 call
Crews have not been able to reach the crash site Tuesday night and have no identification of either the plane or the two remaining occupants.
Crews have ended the search for the night and will resume Wednesday morning.
>> PHOTOS: Teen Autumn Veatch survives Washington airplane crash
Plane crash survivor Autumn Veatch walked out of the woods Monday afternoon after spending days walking in a mountainous area. She was picked up by a motorist who brought her to a general store in Mazama.
She was then taken to a local hospital.
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In a 911 call, Autumn told the dispatcher she was "the only one that made it out."
On Tuesday night, Autumn left the hospital.
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David Veatch, Autumn's father, told KIRO-TV she was in "amazing physical shape," considering the physical and emotional trauma she endured.
“She’s a teenager, she’s young, she’s strong,” Veatch said. “She has some amazing gifts.”
Autumn had been flying from Kalispell, Montana, to Lynden with her step-grandparents, Leland and Sharon Bowman.
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