With a facebook page still the spot to show support, Cheerios thanks fans "for the likes and the love," giving fans of the cereal--and especially of the ad's message--another opportunity to weigh in and be heard.

Who knew such a healthy cereal could spark such a nasty fight?

Cheerios' new television advertisement featuring a biracial couple has caused such a stir that the company had to disable comments, which alluded to racial genocide and dead beat dads on Youtube.

One comment reportedly said, "More like single parent in the making. Black dad will dip out soon."

The ad can still be viewed on Youtube and open platforms for discussion can still be found on sites like Gawker.

Many viewers are still commenting on the company’s facebook page, showing support through their words and their wallets. Here, you will read more support than hate, which perhaps better reinforces the fact that, according to the 2010 Census data, "one in ten opposite-sex married couples are interracial, a 28% jump since 2000."