A charter boat captain rescued a cat Thursday after the feline was thrown from a bridge and into the water off northwest Florida.
Capt. Jordan Smith, of the Let's Fish Destin Charter boat Profishonal, told the Northwest Florida Daily News that he was on his way to pick up a group for a fishing trip when he heard the cat hit the water near Coast Guard Station Destin.
“I thought someone threw trash down,” he told the newspaper. When he spotted the cat’s big, orange eyes, he told the Daily News that the cat looked as though it were begging to be saved.
So he grabbed a net, ignored the jostling of his boat and fished the cat out of the water.
"When I took it out of the net it grabbed a hold of my arm," Smith told the Daily News. "I held the cat all the way into the HarborWalk. It was pretty intense."
Smith handed the cat off to a HarborWalk employee, who took her to a veterinarian while Smith finished his shift.
He told the Daily News he planned to bring the cat home and call her Miracle.
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