Ben Carson's map seems a little bit off

The country took on a different look Tuesday evening, at least as far as Ben Carson’s campaign for president was concerned.

Carson’s staff inadvertently rearranged five of the New England states in a map posted on Facebook and Twitter. The post was in support of the governors of 31 states who have said they will not allow Syrian refugees to resettle within their state's borders. The map was intended to highlight the states where refugees are not welcomed, and to reinforce Carson's support for the governors of those states.

The tweet and the Facebook post were both taken down after the campaign was made aware of the map error.

In the map posted by Carson's campaign, Connecticut and Rhode Island were moved to the northeast border of the country, with New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Maine moved farther north of those states.

There was no explanation from Carson’s camp, but a Vox story suggested that the error likely happened when the graphic designer accidentally shifted part of the map as it was being created.

Of course, social media had a field day with the mistake.

Carson’s campaign may need to concentrate on the state of New Hampshire, in particular. A Fox News poll released Wednesday showed Carson falling to fourth place in that state's Republican primary race.